- Soft goods such as but not limited to packs, bags, and pouches carry a limited warranty. This covers manufacturing defects. If you think there's an issue please reach out via email to ROV@rovgear.com
- Regular and heavy wear such as faded materials, tears, holes, rips, broken buckles are not covered by warranty.
- Patches and other swag do not carry a warranty but defects may be covered
- Soft and hard good such as but not limited to packs, bags, pouches and other accessories can be returned (at buyers cost) within 5 business days with a 20% restocking fee. All items must be in unused and in new condition with original tags, packaging and include any supplied accessories. Once the item is received and inspected a refund will be issued minus the original shipping fee to the original payment method used.
- Patches, stickers, Hilts, etc are not returnable
Cancellation Policy
- Some ROV items may be purchased on preorder with a clear lead time communicated. Preorders may be cancelled but are subject to a 50% restocking fee. You may transfer your preorder to another customer through clear communication between ROV, yourself and the new person.
- In stock sales are are not cancellable as they ship immediately
Shipping Policy
- In stock orders generally ship same or next business day as long as there are no extenuating circumstances. I'm a one man operation but always do my best to ship quickly.
- All international orders are marked at their listed value